Art and Craft Competition on Rakshabandhan

Techno Kaksha is going to organize Online Art & Craft Competition to celebrate RAKSHABANDHAN on the online platform. Organizing the online art and craft competition for young aged children between 5 years to 25 years.

Art & Craft Competition on Rakshabandhan

“Home Made Rakhi”

Participant can submit their artworks through uploading image.

Choose any one topic from the below:

  1. Make some beautiful Rakhi
  2. Drawing on Rakshabandhan

Submit the below-mentioned enclosure:

  • One Photographs along with your Art & Craft work (High-Resolution JPEG/ PNG less than 10 MB)
  • Details of your Art & Craft works which material you used to make it (Hindi/English).,
  • Artist Name, Age, Email Address, School/ Institution/ College Name, Contact Number and City.

Prize and Recognition:

*All participants will be given participation E-Certificate.
*Top 5 selected winners will win E-Certificate with 100% scholarship.
*Winners name will be showcase in a Social Media Platforms

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